Saturday, July 17, 2010

Getting Ready

So this will be my first year homeschooling...I'm actually a little excited. I do have a few worries. 1 being that J may get bored being taught at home. For the summer he was in a literacy program to help jump start preschoolers for kindergarten. He loved it, he was so excited to go to school, be with his friends and learn new things. He loves having friends. So with that being said I'm really going to have to find some activities for him to be in so he can be with kids his age. I'm hoping to meet a few home school moms in my area with kids his age that I can connect with. The home school program J will be doing is called the Georgia Cyber Academy. It's a public school gone cyber...I thought pretty cool. They will be providing J with his own computer and giving me all the curriculum material I need to home school along with a teaching coach...........for FREE. The shipment of the computer and material is on it's way. The curriculum being used is K12. I plan to use their material of coarse because they give assessment tests and I'm sure it will be based on K12, but I will also add to his learning through other lessons and material.

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